Diary/ Calendar

Events shown in bold are CqE calendar events.
Events shown in bold italics are CqE sponsored events 
Events shown in red are open to non-members of the club and are not CqE events

Entries for Don Days are entered are via the CqE website

Management only

Volunteer Lists

Regular Roll-up every week unless the diary shows an alternative fixture:

A V symbol means that volunteers are needed to support the event. Click to see the activities and to volunteer















01 SundayDecember One-ball - Members sign-up list
08 SundayChristmas Lunch - Members sign-up list















01 Wednesday'Frostbite' One-ball competition - Members sign-up list


Events shown in bold are CqE calendar events.
Events shown in bold italics are CqE sponsored events.
Events shown in red are open to non-members of the club and are not CqE events

© Copyright 2007-24

NF 6/04/24

Updated 6.iv.24