Surbiton Croquet Club - Latest News input

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Lawn closure for Autumn Maintenance is due to start on Monday 2nd Oct. Any change will be posted here and on the WhatsApp group.
Lawn closure for Autumn Maintenance is due to start on Monday 2nd Oct. Any change will be posted here and on the WhatsApp group.
Confirmation that all the lawns will be closed from Monday 2nd Oct for Autumn Maintenance.
Please note that the Dec 1 ball has been moved to Sunday 10th to avoid clashing with the Christmas Lunch
Owing to the recent bad weather, the winter lawn opening has been postponed to the 9th of December
Sorry but no winter play until the weather improves
Lawns 3, 4 & 5 are now open for winter play. Lawn 6 is not yet ready. Winter lawns are 80% full size and have been rotated 90 degrees
Lawns 3, 4 & 5 are now open for winter play. Lawn 6 is not yet ready. Winter lawns are 80% full size and have been rotated 90 degrees. Hoop 1 is the corner nearest the clubhouse.
Lawns 3, 4 & 5 are now open for winter play. Lawn 6 is not yet ready. Winter lawns are 80% full size and have been rotated 90 degrees. Hoop 1 is the corner nearest the clubhouse.
The Frostbite 1 ball on Monday is Cancelled as more rain is forecast today/tomorrow.
Thursday 8th Feb: Roll-up is cancelled today as lawns are too wet and more rain forecast
No play possible today (Friday). Still too wet.
We have had a lot of rain recently and the lawns are very wet, so no play please until at least Monday.
No play today - Sunday - lawns too wet
No play today (Monday) ki
Webcams temporarily unavailable due to changeover to new internet supplier
Thurs: More heavy rain today, no play tomorrow (Fri)
Reminder of Quiz night - this Sat 2nd March. Start time 19:00. £15 includes supper. Sign-up on Diary page.
Friday: No play today - lawns flooded
Saturday. No play today and 1 ball tomorrow is cancelled.
12mm of rain yesterday so no play today (Wednesday).
No play today (Wednesday) please. 15mm of rain yesterday afternoon and evening.
The lawns are still under water so no play please tomorrow (Monday)
Test Mesage
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The lawn renovation is now unlikely to begin before the 7th of October
The lawns will be closed tomorrow (Tuesday) for moss treatment
Lawns 1 to 3 incl will be closed tomorrow for moss treatment
The lawns are open this week but subject to short and longer term closures
The lawns will be closed for the autumn maintenance from Tuesday the 29th of October until further notice
The lawns will be closed for the autumn maintenance from Wednesday the 30th of October until further notice
The lawns will be closed for autumn maintenance from Wednesday, the 30th of October, until further notice
Winter Lawn opening has been delayed. We hope to be able to open 7th Dec.
Winter Lawn opening has been delayed. We hope to be able to open Monday 9th Dec.
The Winter lawns - 1, 4, 5 & 6 will be available from Monday 9th Dec
The Winter lawns - 1, 3, 4 & 5 will be available from Monday 9th Dec
The Winter lawns - 1, 3, 4 & 5 are now available and winter roll-ups have commenced.
10/03/25 - The lawns will be unavailable Tue pm 11th March and all day Wed 12th March for completion of delated autumn maintenance
10/03/25 - The lawns will be unavailable Tue pm 11th March and all day Wed 12th March for completion of delayed autumn maintenance
11/03/25 - The lawns will be unavailable Tue pm 11th March and all day Wed 12th March for continuation of delayed autumn maintenance
Reminder of the One-ball heat of the Charity One-Ball Championship on Sunday 13th April, this year being held in aid of the Alzheimer’s Association. 10am start. Sign-up on the diary page.

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Surbiton Croquet Club
© Copyright 2010-20

NF 24/12/23

Updated 24.xii.23