Surbiton Championship Singles Finals

George Noble writes:

Cris Patmore about to break down in the final game with all the balls around rover
Stephen Mulliner receiving help from an outside agent in lining up the rover peel at the completion of his sextuple.

Stephen Mulliner and Chris Patmore played the finals of the club golf and association croquet championships on Tuesday 9 September. Stephen easily won the golf croquet 7-2 7-1 but the association final was much more entertaining. Chris won the first game +9 after Stephen failed his first sextuple attempt of the day. Stephen had a straightforward win in the second game +17 although he failed to complete his Triple Peel. The way was thus prepared for the decisive game. Chris was making light work of +26TP when he roqueted his partner ball after the rover peel and failed to peg out. Stephen hit the lift shot and embarked on a sporting sextuple. But, after he had completed all the peels he played the wrong ball, handing the match and the championship to Chris
















Surbiton Croquet Club
© Copyright 2008

NF 12/09/8

Updated 2.vii.22