A new lawn booking system has been introduced. It has been developed by an active croquet player who has adapted a 'meeting room booking system' application for croquet club use.
It is already being used by a significant number of croquet clubs, both in the UK and abroad.
The system allows all members to book lawns for AC or GC games or practice.
The system has 2 slots (primaries and secondaries) for each lawn to enable a second game to be booked on a lawn when the club is busy. The system will not let the second game to be of a different type to the first.
As with the previous system, administrators of the system can also book lawns for other purposes - eg: for maintenance, tournaments, roll-ups, matches, coaching and corporate events.
All playing members of the club have had their email addresses registered on the system.
The link on the 'Lawns' page of the website will now take you to the new system. Alternatively, you can use the following link to directly access the system https://croquetbooking.com/book/index.php?site=43
The first time you access the system, enter your e-mail address and the click the 'reset password' button. The system will then send password set/reset instructions to your email address.
The system 'remembers' your login for a few days and so if you log in again from the same device you will not need to login again.
The default view is a daily view. Select the day you want to make a booking from the calendar on the left side of the screen. The current and next month's calendars are displayed. If you want to see a month further ahead then click the '>' arrow next to the month to advance the calendar to the next month.
Click on the lawn and your required start time and then drag down for the length of time that you want to book.
Once you have made the selection the booking details screen is displayed that is preset with the day, lawn and timeframe that you have selected.
Add a summary in the 'Brief Description' field. This would normally be something like 'Fred vs Joe - block game'. The 'Full description' field can normally be left blank.
You can adjust the date, lawn, start time and duration if needed
Select the booking type - This should be GC or AC so as to prevent someone else from booking a second game in the other format.
Under normal circumstances the 'Confirmed' status should be selected.
Select the 'Send email' option if you want a confirmation email sent to your email address. This email is in in a format that can be added to your diary calendar if you use one on your computer.
Click 'Save' to confirm the entry. You will then be taken back to the calendar screen which will now show your booking.
Clicking on a booking will display the booking details.
If you created the booking then you can change the details or delete the booking.
The system has the facility to allow users to sign up for an event. Initially this function will not be used and the club will continue to use the 'sign-up lists' accessed via the clubs Diary page.
It is expected that this functionality will be enhanced by the system developers in the future and the club will then start to use it for signing up to events.
If you encounter any issues when using the system or have any comments on its use then please e-mail Andy Dibben & Nick Furse
Updated 7.vii.22 |