Croquet is a game for all ages and all abilities - so why not give it a try?
Surbiton Croquet Club welcomes everyone - from complete novices to world champions. (We already have some of each!)
Situated on Alexander Drive in Berrylands, Surbiton Croquet Club has seven lawns, a well-equipped clubhouse, carpark, and - most important of all - an enthusiastic and very sociable membership covering all age groups, from nine to ninety-plus.
If you're new to the sport, we offer taster-sessions (which are free of charge) and short-introductory courses - the cost of which is deducted from our very reasonable fees if you decide to become a member.
Members have full access to all our facilities, equipment and internal competitions with informal 'roll-up' sessions held most days. They also have the opportunity to book lawns for individual matches.
There are two main forms of the sport - Golf Croquet and Association Croquet and we offer coaching at every level in both.
No specific clothing is required other than flat soled shoes although players in more formal tournaments often wear white clothing.
This website will give you a feel for the range of activities on offer - but, if you'd like to know more, do please get in touch, our membership secretary is waiting to hear from you:
We run introductory courses which consist of six 2 hour sessions. These normally run at either 14:00 or 18:00 on a Tuesday. Alternative days and start times can be arranged to suit groups of 4 or more,
The first session is free. We make a charge of £30 for the rest of the course but this is deductible from your first subscription if you decide to join the club.
The only thing you need is flat soled shoes (trainers are ideal). Croquet can be played in almost all weathers, so we will be playing even in the rain .
Contact: coaching@surbitoncroquet.org.uk
Updated 3.vi.24 |