Winter 10 plus Competition

Results to date

Martin Pulsford writes:

Surbiton CC - Winter Competition Rules

  1. Weather permitting, the competition will take place on consecutive Wednesdays, starting when the lawns become available after the autumn maintenance and finishing before the lawns become fully open for the following summer season (normally early December to late March).

  2. Games will be handicapped 14 point association, with a 1 hr 30 min time limit and the competition will be open to all members with an association handicap of 10 or greater when they first play. Members should record the results of their games on their handicap cards as usual. A member whose handicap subsequently falls below 10 continues to be eligible (playing off his new handicap). Weekly results will be published on the SCC website.

  3. Normally games will start at 11 am, with second games arranged from around 1 pm. In February or March, third games are generally possible.

  4. Members are free to play as little or as often as they wish, simply turning up in good time to start at either 11am or 1 pm. To win the competition however, they will need to complete at least twelve games.

  5. Apart from the last Wednesday of the competition, all games will be arranged by the organiser who will, as far as possible, provide everyone with an even spread of opponents.

  6. The last Wednesday of the competition will be ‘final day’ (30th March in 2011) and will only be open to the four players who, being available to play, have at that stage the highest win percentage (games won/games played) and who have played at least nine games at that point. Six games will be played on ‘final day’: 1st v 4th, 2nd v 3rd; 1st v 3rd, 2nd v 4th; 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th.

  7. The competition will be won by the player, who having played at least twelve games, has the highest overall win percentage after ‘final day’ results have been included.

  8. If no play is possible on ‘final day’, the competition will be decided on the results to date.

  9. If prior to ‘final day’ a player establishes such a lead that he cannot be caught, he will be declared the winner, and the organiser will arrange a separate one-off tournament for ‘final day’.

In the event of inclement weather (for example, if the lawns may be frozen or waterlogged), an email will be sent by 9.00am on Wednesdays to those who have previously attended, so please check before you leave home if you have any distance to travel.

If you want to come along on a Wednesday to practice or to play a pre-arranged game rather than compete for the trophy please appreciate that lawn space may be a problem on the busiest days.

For further information contact Martin Pulsford by phone or email.

Surbiton Croquet Club
© Copyright 2009-11

NF 23/01/11

Updated 2.vii.22